Charter Garlands member, Kay Reich, and her late husband, Gil, fell in love at first sight . . .
with The Garlands.
“We loved it so much, we signed up the first day,” recalls Kay. “The architecture and interior décor had a warmth and simplicity that we felt was very comfortable to live with.”
Having cared for their own aging parents via long distance, the Reichs decided to save their adult kids the hardship they experienced and pro-actively made a move to The Garlands “while we were young enough to enjoy everything here,” says Kay.
In retrospect, their grand plan worked out pretty nicely. Close to family and grandkids in the northwest suburbs, the Reichs enjoyed easy proximity to the airport for travel, nearby golf courses, Garlands dining, bridge groups and, most of all, their beautiful Garlands home.
“We moved to The Garlands at a very good time,” says Kay. “Everyone was new and eager to meet friends . . . there was a lot of entertaining back and forth.”
When her husband was ill, he received additional care in skilled nursing at Prairieview at The Garlands. Kay says, “It was very easy for me to go over and visit him every day, and it has been wonderful to have my daughter just five minutes away.”
Twenty years later she lists the food, the smiling and helpful staff, the cleanliness, and the landscaping among her many favorite Garlands attributes. “We have always been very pleased. We made a very good choice.”
Destination Retirement

Long-time Savannah, Georgia residents, Gil and Kay Reich were just 69 years old when their daughter, Linda, told them that a very attractive senior community was being built near her home in Barrington.
“We told her that we were too young!” recalls Kay.
But Linda made an appointment to check out The Garlands on her parents’ next visit anyway.
Within months, Kay and Gil became reverse snowbirds, packed up, and moved 1,000 miles north to live at The Garlands.
The Reichs are among many Garlands members over the years who traveled great distances to make The Garlands their new home.
“The Garlands has become a ‘destination’ retirement community for many,” says Michelle Murphy, Director of Sales and Marketing. “People choose The Garlands and move from significant distances not only because they want to be closer to northwest suburban family, but because they also admire the quality—it is something they don’t necessarily find elsewhere.”